- TEFL Graduate Program

● Credits for graduation: 27

Required Courses (6 credits)

*  Academic Writing (3 credits)
*  Research Methods (3 credits)

Elective Courses (21 credits)

Students may take at most 6 credits outside the department (a maximum of 3 credits per semester). Students  take courses outside the department need to  apply in advance and obtain approval from the Curriculum Committee.

A selected list of elective courses offered in recent years:

●    Lesson Planning and Material Design

●    English Grammar for ESL/EFL Teachers

●    ESP: Pedagogy and Research

●    Feedback in Writing Instruction

●    Teaching of English Speaking

●    TEFL Teacher's Professional Development

●    Global Englishes

●    Literacy Research and Instruction

●    Multimedia-Assisted Language Teaching and Material Design

●    Teaching English as an International Language

Please refer to the following website for detailed course information:  


Other Requirements

*  One conference presentation or 3 conference attendances

Two options for thesis submission:

a. Traditional thesis: The thesis, with a minimum of 60 pages, should be written in English and formatted in the latest APA style.

b. Creative teaching materials: The content of the creative teaching materials should be related to the courses offered by the TEFL Program. The materials should be accompanied by a commentary of 5,000 words in English composed of the problem statement, objectives, methods, teaching philosophy, concept discussion, user feedback, and applications. The creative teaching materials must be original and cannot be similar or identical to existing works.

*  A thesis defense
